...We sell new & used mobility equipment, repair, rent and accessorize
Access, Mobility, Repair & Rental
205 Creek Ridge Rd.
Suite F
Greensboro, NC 27406
United States
ph: 336.608.8810
...we'll evaluate your need, deliver, install & repair a VPL system
Need help getting from the carport, garage, or patio to a landing? Installing a vertical platform lift could be the ticket.
With the vertical platform lift, you don't have to leave your scooter or wheelchair.
This lift is great regardless of whether you use mobility equipment or not.
Access the lift via a built in ramp, push a button and up...or down, you go.
Easy to push Call/Send Control option allows you (up to two) additional stations for the rider to call their Passport™ Up and Down.
Our optional Passport gate features a mechanical interlocking latch with magnetic read switch that keeps the rider protected and safe from accidental injury and prevents improper operation of the lift.
Contact us to discuss the Vertical Platform Lift and installation in your home.
You can reach our office at 336.608.8810. Or...if you prefer, e-mail us at briankeith1230@yahoo.com.
Copyright 2022 Mobility, Repair & Rental. All rights reserved.
Access, Mobility, Repair & Rental Company
...a veteran-owned, small business serving America....again!
P 336.608.8810
Access, Mobility, Repair & Rental
205 Creek Ridge Rd.
Suite F
Greensboro, NC 27406
United States
ph: 336.608.8810